Sunday 7 August 2011

turn and face the strange

Today I've changed the sub-heading on my blog title from 'Tarot for the chic enthusiast' to 'Divination . Ritual . Pagan Spirituality'. This is because I've decided that the subject for this blog could stand to be broader. There are so many other aspects of the art of divination that I want to talk about. I use divinatory methods for meditative purposes and to generate certain energies. I use the runes to honour ancestors and help me with my study of Norse mythology just as much as I use it for entertaining friends by giving readings. Recently I've really enjoyed being part of the online Pagan community after a spiritual slump of sorts that left me feeling redundant and uninspired. It's great to find places in cyberspace to meet with the like-minded and I'd like my blog to be an extension of that communication, although it will still have a leaning towards Tarot, since the art of the cards is a real passion of mine.

Additionally, yesterday I read in Spirit and Destiny magazine that the psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung believed that Tarot was a great tool in treating his patients. He believed that the cards represent all parts of the human experience and that we can relate to each of the messages in them at different times in our lives, making them good objects for focus during therapy sessions. I couldn't agree more and for me this is the most important thing about Tarot.