Friday 21 October 2011

the four Rs

See your way through to the crux of the issue and work out how to solve it using a simple four card spread. Each card represents one of the four focus areas:

- reason
- resistance
- reversal
- resilience

These four focus points work together to pinpoint the issue and suggest a probable pathway to victory over it. Let's look at each theme in a little more detail:

- reason
What is the issue? Sometimes we point solely to the surface situation and feel that it's obviously the reason for our worry and sadness. Tarot can be used to demonstrate that underlying, subconscious forces are often at work and they make the problem more complicated and tougher to get control over. If it's a financial issue that's got you rattled, the Tarot could reveal that you need to work on your overall ability to ask for help or relinquish control. If there's a person in your life whom you don't trust or like, the Tarot might point to a deeper reason for your dislike which shows the problem to be more yours than theirs. Negative feelings can be triggered by bad memories or unfinished business we need to work on before we can let go. What old feelings are underpinning the situation?

- resistance
What is preventing you from dealing with the issue? Why hasn't it been solved yet? This card will force you to look at your shortcomings and give you the direction you need to be able to take action. Maybe the Hanged Man or The Hermit will appear to warn you that you're stalling or burying your head in the sand. Maybe Death will tell you you're too scared of the changes that might come as the result of venting your grievance or threatening the status quo. It could be that you're being manipulated or unfairly influenced by someone, you feel intimidated or you need to wait until others have made their choices before you can make yours. Let the Tarot tell you what's holding you back.

- reversal
This card is the most important in the spread because its focus is on what ultimately needs to be done to turn the tide and free yourself from the problem. Perhaps you feel that brute force, legal action or conflict resolution are necessary to eventually bring a stop to an issue. However, Tarot might warn you against extroverted action, instead advising you to seek the counsel of others first or ignore the actions of an adversary. Maybe you're considering a trial separation from a partner in order to iron out the creases, whereas Tarot may suggest relationship counselling to bring you closer together. Remember, it's always your choice ultimately. Tarot is there to offer a different perspective and force you to think things through sufficiently before making the leap into action.

- resilience
Once you've taken the best possible action in order to solve the issue, what can you do to manage the consequences and make sure it doesn't end up happening again? This card is going to give you the most lasting advice of the spread, so pay careful attention. You'll need to start building some defences and strengthening yourself against further problems stemming from the original issue. Tarot may advise a time of isolation and reflection, a time of self-sacrifice for the greater good, a reassessment of the domestic situation.. The advice will depend on your circumstances and it will be lasting advice that could potentially hold the key to ultimate freedom from the problem.

Let your insecurities and paranoias flow to the surface with this spread - don't hold back. It's not an easy spread to do thoroughly, since it does ask you to focus on what you're not doing and where your weak points are. But if you open yourself up to the card messages and let them beneath the exterior of the issue, you'll find yourself finally able to think outside the box and take a clearer view.

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