Monday, 9 November 2015

CYBER GOLD: The Hippie Revolt and Other Grand Adventures

I have made the informed decision to start offering regular bulletins of brightness, lists of love, indexes of inspiration! (Apparently it's a day for alliteration.) Some of the things I will choose to highlight in the Cyber Gold posts will be challenging, thought-provoking and divisive. That's how I like my journalism much of the time. But there will also be plenty of uplifting, inspiring videos, articles and images to simply appreciate.

So many bloggers take the time and effort to offer lots of awesomely useful links in one post, collating a veritable treasure trove of gems from all four corners of the internet. I personally always appreciate these kinds of posts. They seem to act as a selection box of treats which trigger inspiration or aid understanding. But they also give me an idea of the kinds of things my favourite bloggers, biz owners and creative types like to check out online when they're off duty. It gives me a greater sense of who they are and what they're all about.

So, here goes. Please enjoy these shiny things I picked up on my cyber travels lately - old favourites and new finds!
  • I've always had to remind myself that I can take this incredible creative project anywhere I want. It's not a shoe box into which I've crushed myself in quiet discomfort. It's a living, breathing and constantly growing expression of me. When I try to squeeze it into a specific category or spend time worrying about what I'm trying to say, what my core message really is and so on, I feel constricted. When I allow things to flow as they go, I feel my heart and mind expand. That's why I love Marie Forleo's incredible interview for Experience L!fe. I am definitely a 'multipassionate entrepreneur' by her definition, and why the hell not?!
  • Artist and photographer Gottfried Helwein and his family invited us into Gurteen Castle and offered some insights into their life and work for T Magazine recently. The magazine heralds them as The Real-Life Addam's Family, and I think I can see why!
  • 'Fight to Believe You are the Shit': Linda Barsi got busy rocking my world, again, from the comfort of her bedroom! A definite must for those of you who are participating in NaNoWriMo.

  • Rhys Harper's beautiful portraits and the information about each of his subjects gives a moving reminder of the importance of seeing beyond gender identity. The lives of these people are about so much more than which box they tick on a form or what's going on beneath their clothing. When we view each other complexly and with respect, the universe expands a little faster.
  • The wonderful Carrie from Happy Fish Tarot takes us through her process for writing and delivering readings to clients. I love a little behind-the-scenes treat from a fellow pro reader!

  • adore StyleLikeU - it's one of my favourite Youtube channels. The connection between personal style and personal experience has always been a source of endless fascination for me. The considered depth of StyleLikeU's interviews reflect that fascination perfectly. Check out a few of my absolute favourites:

  • I found myself watching this old documentary about the hippie generation the other night. So retro.
  • This live recording of 'Spell' by Patti Smith, a song which makes use of the poem, 'Footnote to Howl' by Allen Ginsberg, is best served during the witching hour. With candles. For real.

This has been cyber gold, and you've been gorgeous, as usual.

Stay a while: