Thursday, 31 December 2015

Your Year Card is An Anchor and a Talisman of Empowerment

I am super delighted to share the sweet and simple calculation technique for determining your 2016 year card! As shown in Kim Huggens' amazing book, 'Tarot 101', the year card calculation shows you which themes and energies from the Major Arcana align with your 2016. Discovering your year card should not be yucky or scary. Use the information to empower and inspire you. (I insist.)

One thing I love about discovering my 2016 year card is the sense of being anchored to an archetype to start things off. It gives me a sense of having a 'starting point' and a 'touchstone' to remind me of where I have been and where I'm going. There's a real sense of solidity about the whole thing for me. I hope it can be that way for you too..

I can hardly believe the year is nearly at a close.

Time for some kind of overblown ceremony filled with glitter and fire and arcane word combinations designed to conjure all kinds of wonderment into my circle.

Time for champagne too, obviously.


Want more? Stay a while..

- Where I was and Where I'm going
- Hello January
- Walking the Left-Hand Path
- Safety First!