Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Post-Trump Ramblings and an Ode to the Epic Light of American Women

It's been a few days since I shared my post-Trump musings on YouTube. Since then I have been taking time to sit at my altar, with my cards and my journal, and further reflect on what my personal role should be now. I've been serving my clients, going on my morning runs, cooking, sleeping - life goes on. There have definitely been moments of shock, overwhelm and resignation. Steve Bannon's appointment as Trump's chief strategist has been the cause of the latest bout of those emotions. But this ongoing, unpleasant experience has really allowed me to examine the extent to which I ought to lean into my emotions and feel my feels versus the importance of recognising when it's time to take a deep breath, get up and do something.

The dialogue that I have been enjoying with peeps online, and particularly with my clients, has been one of the key portals to inspiration and energy, for me. I have witnessed and shared tears on Skype calls. I have had the privilege of holding space for the kind of fraught, externalised brainstorming which needs to occur when someone is trying to figure out what to do, where to go and how to stand strong. I have been privy to people's grimmest fears and also their most iridescent hopes and visions. I enjoy the kinds of conversations which feel as though something is literally being built as the words are being exchanged.. Something invisible but unbreakable - something which is coming into multi-coloured tangibility.

This will continue to be a learning process for me, and I will keep training myself to relish it. When I look back over the development of my online platform and the journey of my professional life in this incredible sphere, it does seem as though I was always on course to fix myself into a position from where I can be of maximum usefulness at this time of the tipping scale. Whatever strength I have to bring to this, I will bring it. That is all that I can ask myself to do.

Let me take this moment to put something out there which feels big and seems important to declare.. I have been touched in deep and lasting ways by hundreds of American women on my journey to this point in space and time. American women have been a massive part of the lifeblood of my business. The majority of my clients are American women and a gigantic segment of my audience are too. They have invested into my business, encouraged me with their gorgeous words and filled me with the zest and substance of their own ideas and creative successes, and with their willingness to collaborate with me, pick up what I was putting down and call me a friend, a colleague, a fellow traveller on this psycho-spiritual journey. American women have laughed with me, cried with me, taught me their epic slang, talked to me about their rich lived experiences, trusted me with their deepest thoughts and raised me up when I wasn't sure where I was going or what my voice was supposed to be communicating..

I feel connected to some of the fears of so many American women right now in the wake of this result. I don't need to close my eyes and use creative visualisation to tap into those fears. Those fears are palpable. Sure, not all American women are experiencing those fears, evidently. But I know that many of my clients are, and I want to express my deeply held belief that this shitshow is going to produce the strongest, most creatively rich and most justice-driven crop of American women so far.. And it will be the American women whom I have had the pleasure of connecting with as clients, colleagues and subscribers who will be among the mentors bringing this epic generation to the helm. You are shining so brightly to me right now - it's coming all the way over the Atlantic, and it is radiant.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am with you. I am behind you. All power to you.
