Hey there, honeybees!
I wanted to take the time to give you a quick rundown of the four reading options on offer for the New Year and Christmas season. As a pro cardslinger, I get super excited as we arrive at this time of year. I am a big Yule person, and even though I don't celebrate Christmas at all, it gives me a deep pleasure to serve people at this time when there is so much holiday stress to cope with as well as big doses of joy along the way too! It does tend to be a good time to check in and get some nurturing, and I like to think I've put together a cohesive collection of readings which could help you with that!
The first offering is my Spirit of Yule Reading. This one taps into the themes and energies of Yule - a powerful sabbat which urges you to dig deep and celebrate the spectrum of dark and light within you. This spread design focuses on your shadows and obstacles as well as your strategy for returning to the solar energy and embracing the light once more. This spread design is old school too! It's been around for a while and has served many clients well. I can definitely vouch for its effectiveness, so if you're looking for a reading to take you to Yule to the next level, this could be the one.
CLICK HERE for the Spirit of Yule Reading
CLICK HERE for the Spirit of Yule Reading
The Christmas Survival Reading helps you to deal with holiday related stress. If you have been feeling unsure about how to make Christmas work for you, this spread aims to help you understand how to approach the holiday in your own unique way. The spread design also encourages you to harness the strengths and abilities which will help you to survive and thrive during Christmas. The reading will identify red flags and problem areas, as well as directing you to possibilities you may not have thought of, preparing you to face unexpected challenges.
CLICK HERE for the Christmas Survival Reading
CLICK HERE for the Christmas Survival Reading
The Snow Queen Reading showcases one of my favourite spread designs that I've ever featured in my online store. It was truly a product of my love of archetypes like The White Witch, the Cold Queen and the Maiden of Death. This spread directs you towards some of the key energies associated with such formidable Divine Feminine archetypes. We will look at things like your boundaries and limitations, your capacity to be authentic and honest, and your journey of healing and forgiveness. The spread also focuses on spiritual progression and relationship issues, making it a truly cohesive experience which covers a great deal of ground.
CLICK HERE for the Snow Queen Reading
CLICK HERE for the Snow Queen Reading
The Welcome 2019 Reading heralds the return of my popular two-card spread for helping you step confidently into the new Gregorian year. The first card offers advice to help you believe in yourself and locate your strengths and abilities. The second card gives you advice on what to consider manifesting and working on in 2019. If you are feeling unsure about stepping into the New Year, this spread could offer a small but high-impact dose of bravery and inspiration. Likewise, if you are feeling excited about New Year coming up, what better way to enjoy your anticipation than to see what these two cards have to say about stepping into 2019?
CLICK HERE for the Welcome 2019 Reading
CLICK HERE for the Welcome 2019 Reading
As always, honey bees, it is a pleasure to serve you. If you would like to grab any of these readings, I would love to give you a seasonal cardslinging experience you won't forget in a hurry!
And just a heads up - all readings are delivered within the ordinary time frame, regardless of the purchase date. (So, you don't need to wait for Christmas or New Year - you just wait for the full seven day time frame.)
Much love!
And just a heads up - all readings are delivered within the ordinary time frame, regardless of the purchase date. (So, you don't need to wait for Christmas or New Year - you just wait for the full seven day time frame.)
Much love!