Monday, 25 September 2017
Musings on the Power of Self-Love September
I have seriously loved this month so far! It's been awesome to share the ideas I've been cooking up in my brainbox since last September but also amazing to see other people sharing their stories and ideas too. For the first time, I think Self-Love September managed to go fully beyond me and my channel. I also committed much more fully to producing and delivering my own content throughout the month. The feedback has been critical to my perception of self-love as a counsellor and cardslinger who really likes to keep the focus firmly pointed towards it. A big chunk of my clientele found me through looking for self-love resources online. It is a starting point, a compass, a deep need for many who seek my help. The insights offered by people -both in the comments underneath my videos and within their own valuable videos and social media posts- nurtures my work on levels. I never forget that.
When September rolls around, I also go on my own month-long exploration into what that term really means. I think about how I've been applying it, how I've been falling short of it.. I think about what I can do during the month to reaffirm my commitment to it. This year, I joined the gym for the first time in a decade. This was my big move! Due to my prior issues with food, weight and exercise, I've avoided the gym for years. It was an unhealthy environment for me for a long time. I had been wanting to go back to the gym since I started running in 2015, but I decided to be cautious. Finally, it was my time to get a membership. And a personal trainer! I am working towards my goals and it feels so right.
I've also been playing with certain spiritual practices which compliment my self-love journey. Sympathetic magick, channelling the energies of self-love into poetry, making vision boards and working with my Mother Mary oracle deck.. I've been working with my private client-only FB group too, offering masterclasses to dive deeper into the work, deconstructing the videos I've made and bringing their messages into contact with people's real experiences. It's all been supernova-style illumination, and there's no doubt that it's fueling next year's work already.
Don't forget that it's not too late to place some focus on self-love this month if you feel like you need it. Even just a journalling session could make the world of difference. When you've been putting self-love on the back-burner, always intending to give it some thought but delaying, sometimes it's good to just have a self-love 'time out'; stop what you're doing and check in with your needs.
So, here's the list of videos and audio files so far, in case you've missed anything or you'd like a complete round-up:
YouTube offerings:
Inspiration and Prep work
Confronting Addiction
Boundaries for Difficult Relationships
Prioritise Your Needs and Feels
Self-Love for the Ageing Process
Honour Your Spiritual Practice
Living with Pain and Physical Limitations
Learning How to Trust Yourself
Healing and Thriving After Abuse
Being The Black Sheep of the Family
Healthy Conflict Productive Confrontation
SoundCloud offerings:
Bonding with the Body
Daily Rituals
Buying Stuff Isn't Always Self-Loving
The Struggles
If you'd like to share your own thoughts on any of your social media platforms or on your blog or channel, go ahead and use these hashtags so that others can find your thoughts and appreciate them:
Much love!