Well, September is finally here! I am amazed at how quickly it's rolled around but, as I look back over my 2017, I can safely attest to the fact that I've been practicing what I preach and that's really important to me. I've been meeting my needs, setting my boundaries and following my heart. My challenges with self-love have left me feeling drained at times, but they have ultimately gifted me with more to pass on in the form of online content during this month.
I save up a lot of different ideas and tips to pour out over my channel through September, and so many of them come from scenarios which unfold in my own life. I also take a lot of inspiration from my clients and audience members, and I've always kept a tradition of asking my Facebook peeps what they'd like me to cover too, which provides a helpful barometer for figuring out what's important to people.
Now I'm ready to offer THIRTEEN new videos over on YouTube, diving into self-love topics throughout the month. I float them out onto the cyber-seas in the hope that they will provide comfort and inspiration for all kinds of peeps on all kinds of journeys.
I'm beginning with addiction.
Please click the video title to hop on over to YouTube and leave a comment there.